Friday, June 23, 2006

When will interest rate increases stop? Back in November 2005, interested rates were at 4%, in January '06 it was hinted that we would soon see the end of interest rate increases. Still on May 11th '06 interest rates were increased once to 5%, the highest in five years and now rates are up to 6.75% and it is said we will most likely continue to see increases.

I am of the opinion that even though interest rates continue to creep up the real estate market is finally stabilizing and perhaps it is because of the interest rates going up. I believe the rates have balanced out the pricing and both buyers and sellers are finally realizing that it is not about a "sellers market" or a "buyers market" but finally about a long term investment.

Don't be discouraged, buy now: Plan ahead and act on your future today! Don't wait to see if the rates will be lower the next time the "Feds" meet. Invest in real estate today and you will benefit in the long run. Ask a lender and you'll see.

Buyer, Seller, visitor...what do you think?

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