Tuesday, March 04, 2008


It was reported that more than 5,000 homes in Tucson fell in to foreclosure in the initial nine months of 2007.
· These foreclosures included lower income AND upscale communities.
· It is believed this was nearly double the amount of foreclosures from 2006.

Other known facts and statistics:
· Approximately 60 out of 80 homes are sold at auctions or repossessed by the bank. That’s 75%!
· Banks prefer to negotiate when a homeowner is being represented by an attorney or a real estate professional.

· A foreclosure may damage your credit for more than four years
· The Better Option (in my opinion): A shortsale - this may allow you to rebuild your credit faster and in Arizona you won't get a deficiency judgment. In other words the bank CANNOT go after you for the money they lost in the short sale. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS!
· A bank may assist buyers with closing costs even in a shortsale

If you or someone you know are facing financial difficulties—YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Don’t let your dismay be the driving force of your decision. Empower yourself by knowing your options. Re-claim control now. It is not too late. You can rebuild your life, your finances and even your credit.
YES YOU CAN! Think about how fast this year went by. Even if you have to sell your home without profit, if you beat the foreclosure auction, in as little as one year you may be on the market for a home again!

I am here to listen to you and help you.

If you are looking for REO's (Real Estate Owned) properties, in other words, homes that have been foreclosed upon and the "bank" owns them, I know where these are.

I can send you a FREE list of these properties AND I want to earn your business of course.

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